About Us

In the spring of 1989 the Tupelo Police Department graduated its first Reserve Division class. The Tupelo Police Reserve Division was created to assist the department in all aspects of law enforcement. From crowd control to patrol, the reserve division expands the resources available to the Department and the citizens of Tupelo . The Tupelo Police Reserve Division volunteers their time to protect and serve the City of Tupelo . The men and women of the reserve division are employed out side of the department in all areas of the public and government sectors. The time spent “On Duty” with the police department is above and beyond their normal workday. It is with a spirit of true citizenship and love of community that they join the Tupelo Police Department in an effort to make Tupelo a city worthy of the title ” All America City “.
Each year one to two reserve classes complete training at the North Mississippi Law Enforcement Training Academy . Today the Tupelo Police Reserve Division is strong and growing. Reserve officers from other parts of the state have also attended and completed training at the academy.
In October 2011 the Tupelo Police Department implemented Part-Time officers to assist with patrol, commercial aviation and city government security.